Kelly J. Baptist

Author Biography

Short Version:

Kelly J. Baptist was born and raised in the great state of Michigan. She’s lived in Alabama, Florida, and Minnesota, but somehow found herself right back in her home state. Kelly won the 2015 We Need Diverse Books short story contest, and her winning entry is included in the middle grade anthology, Flying Lessons and Other Stories. A follow-up to that story, Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero, is set for an August 2020 release by Crown Books for Young Readers. Kelly also won the 2017 Lee and Low New Voices Honor Award for her picture book manuscript, The Electric Slide and Kai, which is scheduled for a September 2020 release. Kelly is a huge Kobe Bryant fan, and incorporates Mamba Mentality in all aspects of her life, especially writing!

Long Version:

I have been writing since...well, since I learned how to write!  I started with notes and letters to my parents, then poems and short stories. When I was about eight or nine, my mother took us to see a small-town production of the play A Raisin In The Sun. This was a transformative moment for me because I was captivated by seeing the written word come to life on stage. As soon as we got home, I started writing my own copy-cat version of the play...still have that copy today! 

My favorite authors growing up were Mildred D. Taylor, Walter Dean Myers, Richard Peck, Donald J. Sobol, Jacqueline Woodson, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, and Christopher Paul Curtis. I’ve since added Sonya Sones, Meg Medina, Angie Thomas, Matt de la Pena, and Kwame Alexander to this list. Reading voraciously (which means a WHOLE lot) helped enhance my ability to craft my own stories. Writing takes passion and commitment; I did it for years just for the love of it. However, everything changed in 2015, when I won the We Need Diverse Books short story contest with The Beans and Rice Chronicles of Isaiah Dunn. As a result of my work in an urban school district, I felt compelled to continue Isaiah’s story. Isaiah Dunn Is My Hero is my debut middle grade novel, set for an August 2020 release. I also won the 2017 Lee and Low New Voices Honor Award and have a picture book, The Electric Slide and Kai, coming out in September 2020.  

When I’m not writing--and even when I am writing--I am kept busy by my five amazing children, who always give me plenty of story ideas and background noise to write to. Beyond being a mother and an author, I work as a Social Emotional Learning Interventionist at the Arts and Communications Academy in Benton Harbor, Michigan. It’s safe to say my life is full of stories and kids!

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